Sustainable Happiness: one year later…
Last year, Fontys University of Applied Sciences won the ENAS Award 2020 for their project "Sustainable Happiness". It was a valuable investment since focusing on happiness has lasting effects!
With the price donated by the ENAS and in cooperation with the Radboud University and Student Sports Centre Eindhoven, this year Fontys University of Applied Sciences will organize two mini- symposia to bring mental health even more to the attention. In doing so, they aspire to apply a "Give it back principle" to the cooperating parties (sports centers) and their members!
Sustainable Happiness is providing free individual guidance and workshops for all members. IT provides guidance in improving mental health, performances through sessions on confidence, stress-regulation, concentration/focus, handling pressure and controlling nerves, mental energy levels with self-motivation and other mental issues. This benefits members' overall health, performance in different areas and contribute to achieve sustainable happiness. In general a good mental health, but also physical and social health are important for everyone during or after a pandemic.